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The Fifth China Microfiber Forum sponsored by Xuchuan Chemical will be held in Guangzhou in December


The Fifth China Microfiber Forum sponsored by Xuchuan Chemical will be held in Guangzhou in December  

Sponsored by the Xuchuan Chemical and hosted by the Journal of artificial leather synthetic leather information, the Fifth China Super Microfiber synthetic leather technology and market forum will be held from December 8th to 10th in Longjiang town in Guangdong Shunde.

The assembly brings together more than half of the domestic super fiber synthetic leather manufacturers, also including dozens of PU leather, PVC leather factory, the latest technology and raw materials of microfiber synthetic leather products will be jointly explored.

Xuchuan Chemical as the leading domestic manufacturers of polyurethane resin for microfiber leather will fully sponsor the meeting and introduce the company’s latest polyurethane resin product for microfiber synthetic leather and its development trends in the future. In addition, there will be Sichuan University, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Messier of France, Shanghai synthetic fiber Research Institute introducing figured and unfigured microfiber technology, splitting technology, spinning technology, waterborne resin impregnation technology, grapheme-reinforced microfiber leather technology, functional microfiber development technology etc..

The assembly also received the support of the local synthetic leather chamber of Commerce and the furniture association in Shunde, and will organize a number of well-known furniture companies visiting the furniture factory, to experience the application of microfiber in the furniture.